Sunday, March 31, 2024

Winter term winding down

The 2023/24 academic teaching year is winding down this coming week.  I taught 4 courses this year, servicing approximately 580 students.  This year is actually year 25 of my academic career, and I have to say that teaching remains a joy and real privilege for me.  In fact, I have volunteered to teach a 4 week online course on the ethics of biomedical enhancement this summer for the Faculty of Education.

My forthcoming textbook on the history of Western political thought is in the final production stages.  I expect to get the proofs in a few weeks.  And I have a series of papers on the ethics of translational gerontology in the works.  So I am keeping busy on the research front. 

As the warmer weather of spring arrives my thoughts always shift towards:

(a) outdoor cooking (I will get my coveted "Green Egg" fired up hopefully this week); 

(b) more time playing sports outside (my beach volleyball league starts in May); and 

(c) outdoor gardening.   

Last year the garden suffered as I did not return from sabbatical until late June, which was too late to get a decent harvest.  So this year I aspire to make a more serious go of growing a variety of vegetables and herbs. 

So many things to do and contemplate, so little time!  Such is the predicament of life I suppose.

