Friday, July 21, 2023

Metformin Study

If solid evidence that metformin- a drug that has been tested for safety for over 60 years (in treating diabetes) and is low cost- promotes healthy aging in humans emerges, it will be a real game changer in public health for today's aging populations.  EurekAlert has the scoop on this study.  An excerpt from the news item:

Metformin is a highly affordable medicine with a known safety profile and has long been on the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines. This drug-target Mendelian randomisation provides genetic evidence that encourages further exploration of this safe and affordable medication to be repurposed for the promotion of healthy ageing. ‘Increasing evidence suggests metformin may also exert its effect via glycaemic-independent pathways. Better understanding of mechanisms of metformin action using big data approaches and different omics is warranted and improve evaluation of its repositioning potential,’ said Dr Luo Shan, Research Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, HKUMed.
The findings may foreshadow results from the TAME (Targeting Ageing with Metformin) trial, the first-ever anti-ageing study approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to evaluate the role of metformin in longevity, which is in its preparatory stage. ‘Our work has demonstrated the utility of using large-scale epidemiologic studies and genomic data in evaluating drug reposition opportunities. Genetic validation studies, such as this study, shall help improve the success rate of subsequent clinical trials,’ said Dr Ryan Au Yeung Shiu-lun, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, HKUMed.

