Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The impact of the pandemic on academic publishing (sigh!)

The BMJ has this interesting piece on how the pandemic has impacted academic publishing in science and medicine.  A sample:

"... journal impact factor scores more than doubled for 2021 on the basis of pandemic publishing in 2020: the Lancet rose from 79 to 202, NEJM from 91 to 176, the Journal of the American Medical Association from 56 to 157, and The BMJ from 40 to 96. These surges in publications, article views, social media visibility, and citations have brought about a new citation elite and health leadership that will shape future funding and institutional priorities.
....Concerns are being raised that the domination of covid related papers in medical journals came at the cost of other health issues such as non-communicable conditions, violence, and mental health."

