Friday, July 06, 2018

Fulbright Visiting Research Chair

I am on sabbatical in the Fall term. I posted substantive posts on my two previous posts- the first one at Oxford University in 2006 here, and my last sabbatical in 2013 at UCLA here.

"What is the purpose of a sabbatical?" my non-academic friends often ask me. The statement on Academic Leave from Queen's University explains:

The primary purpose of granting academic leave to members of faculty is to enable them to enhance their quality as scholars, teachers, and researchers, thereby assisting the University to achieve greater excellence in its basic areas of responsibility - effective teaching and the advancement of learning.

I am very happy to report that I will be spending my sabbatical as the Fulbright Research Chair in Social Sciences at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Queen's University has compiled some promotional news items about this, which is where the picture featured here is from. Details about the award are here, and a new autobiography about me for the University is here.

While away I will invest my energies into two main projects. Further research on the grant project titled "Justice in the Genomic Age", and some ground level research on a new book project about play and a realistic utopia.
