Sunday, November 14, 2010

Editorial on Uniting Biogerontologists and Geriatricians

The latest issue of The Journals of Gerontology has this interesting editorial on uniting biogerontologists and academic geriatricians. The abstract:

Biogerontologists and academic geriatricians are both dedicated to promoting a healthier longevity for our society from their perspectives of scientific research on aging and education as part of clinical care for older persons. Yet at the present time, the prospects for translating research advances made by the biogerontologists to improve the outlook for health care provided by the geriatricians are limited by a “gulf” that exists between them, with little shared dialogue or scientific interchange. This article sets forth a basis for a union between both disciplines to prepare for the potential application of basic aging research to the provision of health care, with the aim ultimately to extend “health span” during our life span.
