Saturday, April 04, 2009

QJM Paper on a More Inclusive Vision of the Medical Sciences

My Commentary entitled "Towards a More Inclusive Vision of the Medical Sciences" has been accepted for publication in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. Here is the abstract for this forthcoming paper:

Progress in the medical sciences is largely determined by two things: (1) the questions we ask, and (2) how rigorously and vigorously we attempt to answer them. How do we know which questions are the right questions to ask, and thus the correct questions to spend our time and energies trying to answer? Such evaluative concerns bring into sharper focus the question- "What is medicine for?" The international study of rosuvastatin is important not simply because of the health benefits it may confer, but because it inspires a more robust and inclusive vision of the medical sciences. A vision that recognizes that the primary goal of medicine is to promote health, and that includes the health of "normal" people as well as those with illness and disease. This inclusive vision of the medical sciences is a transformative one, it departs from the "disease-model" approach which has dominated distinct areas of medical research for decades.
