Virtue Jurisprudence Book

Virtue Jurisprudence, the edited volume Larry Solum and I have been working on, should be out today in the UK. The Palgrave web page also has a sample chapter from the book online for free here. It is the contribution from Robert George and it details "The Central Tradition".
Here is the info about the book from the publisher's site:
In moral theory, virtue ethics offers a third way - an alternative to the deontological and consequentialist approaches that dominated modern moral philosophy until very recently. What would happen if we transplanted virtue ethics into normative legal theory? The essays in this anthology are part of a growing body of work that answers that question. According to the advocates of virtue jurisprudence, the final end of law is to promote human flourishing - to enable humans to lead excellent lives. Can the virtue ethics tradition really help us address the fundamental concerns of legal theory-like judicial review, criminal and tort law? The authors of this volume believe it can. By shedding the constraints of consequentialist and deontological theories, these authors illustrate how the virtue ethics tradition can enrich legal theory in distinctive and diverse ways.
An Introduction to Aretaic Theories of Law; C.Farrelly & L.B.Solum
The Central Tradition; R.George
Prudence, Benevolence, and Negligence: Virtue Ethics and Tort Law; H.Feldman
Judges of Character; S.Sherry
Civic Liberalism and the 'Dialogical Model' of Judicial Review; C.Farrelly
A Virtue-Centred Account of Equity and the Rule of Law; L.B.Solum
Natural Justice; An Aretaic Account of Virtue of Lawfulness; L.B.Solum
Virtue, Vice, and Criminal Liability; A.Duff
On Aristotelian Criminal Law; A Reply to Duff; K.Huigens
Two Ways of Doing the Right Thing; R.Hursthouse
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