Thursday, March 08, 2007

Genetics and Justice Conference (update)

Registration and other details for the "Genetics and Justice" Conference at Oxford on July 2nd and 3rd are now available on the CSSJ website here.

As you will see from the list of speakers below, the event will bring scholars from diverse disciplines together to discuss the ethical, social and legal implications of the genetic revolution. It promises to be an excellent event. Here are the speakers on the programme:

Tom Baldwin (Former Deputy Chair of the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority/Philosophy, York) 'PGD and the Welfare of the Child'

Rebecca Bennett (Bioethics, Manchester) 'The Principle of Procreative Beneficence: A Critique'

Dan Brock (Department of Social Medicine, Harvard) 'Is Selection of Children Wrong?'

Ruth Chadwick (Director of the Center for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics, Cardiff University) 'The HUGO Principles of Genetic Research: What Has Changed Since 1996?'

Aubrey de Grey (Biogerontology, Cambridge) 'The Duty to Combat Aging'

Colin Farrelly (Politics, Oxford/Waterloo) 'Genetic Justice: Where to Begin?'

Deborah Gill (GeneMedicine, Oxford,) 'Gene Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease - Who Gets Treated?'

Richard Gold (Director of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy, McGill) 'Myriad Genetics: A Case Study'

Adam Hedgecoe (Sociology, Sussex) 'Justice and Pharmacogenetics: the Example of Herceptin'

Jane Kaye (Ethox, Oxford) 'Biobanks and Benefit Sharing'

Michael Parker (Director of Ethox Centre, Oxford) 'The Ethnography of a Global Malaria Genomics Consortium'

Julian Savulescu (Director of the Program on Ethics of the New Biosciences, Oxford) 'The Case of Performance Enhancement in Sport'
