National Child Day: The Right to be Active

Today is National Child Day. Created in 1993, National Child Day reaffirms our responsibility to care for and love our children. Today's Globe and Mail has a story about National Child Day here. And the Public Health Agency of Canada has details about this year's theme here. For 2007, the theme is The Right to be Active. This couldn't be more timely given reports like this and this. Here are a few excerpts from the Public Health Agency website:
The theme for National Child Day 2007 is The Right to be Active. The theme was chosen to encourage physical activity among children and inform parents, caregivers and educators that physical activity is essential to children’s health and well-being. This theme also reflects Canada’s commitments under Article 24 of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, which recognizes children’s right to be healthy and enjoy the highest attainable standard of health.
Starting children off with a healthy, physically active lifestyle, promotes healthy growth and development, better social development and increased self-confidence to pursue their goals for the future. The theme The Right to be Active promotes physical activity among children and shows parents, caregivers and educators that physical activity is essential to children’s health, development and well-being. This theme is in line with the Government of Canada’s support of initiatives that encourage children physical activity and social development such as the Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Contribution Program, the Children’s Fitness Tax Credit and Canada’s Physical Activity Guides to Healthy Active Living.
So be sure to do something active with your kids today! And make physical activity an intricate part of your family's lifestyle.
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