Armstrong and the Fight Against Cancer

Lance Armstrong makes a passionate plea for Americans to take the fight against cancer seriously here. It's a moving appeal. Here is a brief excerpt:
It is time to hold our leaders accountable. It remains to be seen if the change in power on Capitol Hill will affect the fight against cancer. In two years we will elect a new president. We cannot predict the actions of any of our elected officials, but we can say for sure that when it comes to cancer their silence is unacceptable.
Patient people may accept the status quo, but the status quo isn't working for us. Instead, we need to stubbornly hold our leaders accountable and we need the courage to ask tough questions of our elected officials. Few issues facing our government are more personal or more critical than the health of our citizens. What are we going to do to effectively fight cancer? Millions of Americans with cancer are asking.
I'm not known for my patience. When it comes to cancer, I hope you aren't either.
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