Canadian Children Need More Physical Activity

This report in today's Globe and Mail notes that Canadian children receive a near-failing grade when it comes to physical exercise. What is really worrying about this report is the fact that the impression parents have about how much physical activity their children are getting is out of touch with the reality of what a healthy child should be doing:
"According to the group's research, between 80 and 90 per cent of parents now characterize their children's activity levels as “good.”
In reality, however, less than half of Canadian children and youth meet minimum daily physical-activity requirements, the group said."
The Public Health Agency of Canada has a useful web site here that contains activities for children and youth. In the hustle and bustle of modern life it is easy for parents to forget about the importance of providing their children with the opportunity for healthy living. But it is something that is well worth the investment of our time and energy. Our children deserve better!
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